Messgasaufbereitung im Umfeld Umgebungsluft-Überwachung


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Micro Gas Sampling System
Low Flow Rates below 1 lpm
Sample Heating Required

Ambient Air Sampling System
Low Flow Rates below 1 lpm
No Sample Heating Required

selector-microgass selector-ambigass


Ambient Air Monitoring & Traffic CO Monitors – Perma Pure recommends the MicroGASS or ACES  products.  A typical gas being monitored is CO. Problems occur when the sample gas is extracted from a wet, warm area and brought into a climate controlled area for analysis. The ACES system incorporates a Perma Pure Nafion® membrane dryer, disposable 0.1 micron pre-filter and eductor to supply a clean sample to an electrochemical sensor. The dryer is sized to supply a 20-80% RH sample from ambient air at a flow rate up to 1 L/min.  The product will remove moisture to a level required for the sensor to handle without the need for instrument air or water traps in the sample line. Link to  ACES Sampling Systems Information.

The MicroGASS Gas Sampling System is selected  when the sample gas is extracted from a wet, warm area and brought into a climate controlled area for analysis. The MicroGASS system incorporates a Perma Pure Nafion® membrane dryer, disposable 0.1 micron pre-filter and eductor to supply a clean sample to an electrochemical sensor. The dryer is sized to supply a 20-80% RH sample from ambient air at a flowrate up to 2 L/min. The product will remove mositure to a level required for the sensor to handle without the need for instrument air or water traps in the sample line. The Microgass is also required where the sample is hot and wet – the MicroGASS includes a heated dryer internal to the device and heated sample lines from the source. Link to MicroGass.

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