Labor und Forschung

Perma Pure bietet eine breite Palette von Produkten an, die von Forschern für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen eingesetzt werden.

Perma Pure bietet eine breite Palette von Gasprobentrocknung Produkte, maßgeschneidert für Ihre Anwendung sind. Perma Reine MD Series ™ und PD Series ™-Trockner sind die ideale Wahl für die Trocknung von Gasproben vor der Analyse. Mit unserem exklusiven Nafion® Technologie können Perma Pure Trockner die Probe Taupunkt bis zu -45 ° C ohne messbaren Verlust von Analyten zu reduzieren. Die außergewöhnliche Korrosionsbeständigkeit von Nafion ® ermöglicht die Aufbereitung von harten Proben, auch solche, die reich an Säuren, wie HF und HCl.

Schnell. Selbst regenerierend. Kein Leistungsbedarf. MD Series ™ und PD Series ™-Trockner sind die ideale Wahl, wenn eine genaue Analyse einer Gasprobe erforderlich ist. Ein kurzer Überblick wird unten dargestellt:

Flussrate 0-4 lpm

Flussrate 0-4 lpm

Flussrate 1-40 lpm

Heiss Messgastrocknen
Flussrate bis 1 lpm

selector-md selector-pd selector-me selector-mdh

MD Dryer Series

The MD (Monotube Dryer) Series transfers moisture from one gas stream to a counter-flowing dry purge gas stream, much like a shell-and-tube heat exchanger transfers heat, using one Nafion tube. A wide range of lengths and tube diameters is available to cover the sample gas flow ranges shown below. Note: A dry purge gas source is required to remove the moisture.

Recommended Sample Gas Flow Rates:
0-0.2 lpm: MD-050 Series
0.1-2 lpm: MD-070 Series
1-4 lpm: MD-110 Series

MD-R Dryer Series

The MD-R (Monotube Dryer, Rotating) Series transfers moisture from one gas stream to a counter-flowing dry purge gas stream, much like a shell-and-tube heat exchanger transfers heat, using one Nafion tube. This series offers the advantage of rotating purge fitting ends, making it easier to install in your equipment. A wide range of lengths and tube diameters is available to cover the sample gas flow ranges shown below. Note: A dry purge gas source is required to remove the moisture.

Recommended Sample Gas Flow Rates:
0-0.2 lpm: MDR-050 Series
0.1-2 lpm: MDR-070 Series
1-4 lpm: MDR-110 Series

PD Dryer Series

The PD (Polytube Dryer) Series transfers moisture from one gas stream to a counter-flowing dry purge gas stream, much like a shell-and-tube heat exchanger transfers heat, using multiple Nafion tubes. These are chosen when the MD dryers do not offer the flow capacity required. A wide range of lengths and tube diameters is available to cover the sample gas flow ranges shown below. Note: A dry purge gas source is required to remove the moisture.

Recommended Sample Gas Flow Rates:
2-10 lpm: PD-050T Series
4-20 lpm: PD-100T Series
10-40 lpm: PD-200T Series

MD-H Heated Dryer

The MD-H Heated Dryer Series transfer moisture from one gas stream to the atmosphere using a single Nafion tube. These are typically chosen when the sample gas only needs to have its humidity equalized to the atmospheric RH. A wide range of lengths and tube diameters is available to cover these applications:

0-0.2 lpm: ME-050 Series
0.1-2 lpm: ME-070 Series
1-4 lpm: ME-110 Series

Environmental Control of Test Chambers or Incubators -Perma Pure’s ME Series is an ideal choice to humidiy

Fuel Cell and Alternative Energy Research

Medical Research

Test APP Data – Dryer selection by flow and dewpoint

Perma Pure Trockner App

PP-Apple-App PP-Android-App

Alles über Nafion


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